The Ladder Leadership Approach.
Transforming Paradigms in Leadership
The Ladder Leadership Approach
by Nataki Garrett
Transforming Paradigms in Leadership
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Known as a passionate and Inventive Director of Innovative Strategies that promote community engagement and attract new audiences. Comprehensive background as a Theater Administrator, Director, Producer, Playwright, Educator, Activist, and Mentor. An innate talent for leveraging her passion for the theater to reveal empathy and joy while enhancing the human spirit.
About, Nataki
A change-maker, trailblazer, and 2024 winner of the prestigious Doris Duke Artist Award, Nataki Garrett is the CEO and Executive Director of the The Ladder Leadership Services, as well as the co-Artistic Director of One Nation/One Project and is leading their national arts and health initiative #ArtsforEveryBody. In 2020, She co-founded the theater advocacy organization Professional Non-Profit Theater Coalition (PNTC) – a national advocacy coalition organized to help the theater industry advocate for the $15B Shuttered Venue Operators Grant of historicallyunprecedented funding from the federal government.